Monday, August 1, 2011

He smiles… She smiles

A smile confuses an approaching frown.

Smiling is a tested way of making friends, it is proven conversation starter and a unique selling point for anyone who possesses it.

Everyone can smile; the problem is that not everyone remembers to. In order to appear more approachable or make that sale, a smile more than any other thing you may wear will get you there much quicker! It humanizes you and makes you more approachable. Almost all of the time, a smile gets a smile in response. It lifts both the giver and the receiver. Try it now, smile randomly at the people in your office or at strangers as you take a walk, the response is immediate.

You may know people who come across as being charming, you can too. All you need do is start to smile. If it is not a habit with you, don’t worry ‘practice does make perfect’ you can start by standing in front of your mirror and smiling at yourself.

The more you practice, the better you get at it, avoid barring of the teeth except it looks good on you, on some it appears phony and can make you look dangerous, revealing only the upper teeth is quite beautiful and endearing, but if you are conscious of your teeth, then an upward tilt of the corners of the mouth will do quite nicely.

Now, your eyes must be involved in this as well. Have you ever seen someone smile and know they didn’t mean it? It was probably because only their lips moved. The eyes also smile. For that perfect smile, the eyes and the lips must work harmoniously together. It may do you good to paste a picture of a genuine smile (you’ll know it when you see it) somewhere where you can see it ALL the time.

Not only will it inspire you, it gives you a template to work with, practice until your eyes smile along with your lips. Also you can smile based on past memories, let’s face it, there always isn’t something to smile about In the present, so having a repertoire of memories to work with comes handy in your smile journey.

Your whole life dramatically changes when you start smiling, I know because I experienced it. Suddenly people begin to get closer to you, they want to be around you, the fact is everyone is basically sad about something, so, a smiling face is always arresting to see. People want to be around people who make them happy and a smile has a powerful uplifting hold on the emotions of both the giver and the receiver. Smiling not only improves your face value, it is an easy way to make friends, it’s a powerful social and business tool. Just smile in your business, at your work place and you are guaranteed to make money. Think about it, wouldn’t you rather buy from a happy sales man? How many times have you chosen to shop in one place over another just because the staff smiles?

Wear a smile – one size fits all.

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